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Remaining two Thruxton race distances reduced

Photo: Network Images

The remaining two Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship races at Thruxton this afternoon will run to a reduced distance of 12 laps as announced in a bulletin from BARC.

The first contest had to be red-flagged after eleven tours of the 2.4 mile Hampshire circuit after a clash on the main straight between Matt Neal, who suffered a puncture, and both team-mate Gordon Shedden and MG’s Josh Cook, whilst several other cars took avoiding action.

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The talk among the paddock post-race was about tyre wear, with Neal one of several drivers to suffer tyre failures. Others included Aiden Moffat and Mat Jackson. understands the alteration to the race distance is on account of the weather conditions, with Thruxton enjoying twenty-three degree heat and bright sunshine today, rising the track temperature above usual figures.

The second race of the day, which will run to 12 laps, gets underway at 14:32.

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